If you find youself often irritated, frustrated, angry, or annoyed then you need to discharge, release the sympathetic charge in your body BEFORE trying to soothe or calm down.
That flight/flight response needs to be completed through action, mobilization and then you can move back to a regulated state.
Ways to discharge the sympathetic include jumping, running, stomping your feet, punching/kicking, squeezing a towel or clothing, push ups, mini tantrum, pounding, yelling or growling, tensing your fist or grabbing something tightly. The key to doing this is in small doses and must stay connected/present in your body. Less is more. You don't want to overwhelm your body. Feel the power in your body and stay embodied as you release it through action/movement. Of course this needs to be done safely without harm towards anyone or anything.
THEN, once you feel the sympathetic charge is gone, do some soothing/ calming exercises such as slow swaying, self hold or butterfly hug, make "vooooo" sound, havening, orienting.